
Minister Hassan clarified the concerns of the members on the 2023 Budget

‘A responsible government needs to have a clear plan to spend in a disciplined way’


The minister responsible for finance has said that the government, which is responsible for power, will always remain aware that it needs to spend according to its income to avoid accumulating too much debt.

Fodre has a clear plan on how to spend in a disciplined way, there is a clear plan on how to collect revenue to finance his expenses and at all times ensure that his debt remains sustainable, because at any time the country faces a crisis, there will be enough fiscal space to react to such a shock.

Minister Naadir Hassan said this when he was answering questions and clarifying several points raised by members when they were giving their reactions and responding to the budget presentation that Minister Hassan made before the National Assembly on November 4.

“With our country’s budget, we don’t play populist politics and we certainly don’t play good politics. Populist political budgets and good policies have always plunged our country and our citizens into debt, which makes us continue to use more money in the budget to pay back wages instead of investing in our people and infrastructure. This government, once again I repeat, will remain responsible in the preparation of the budget, and will never do populist and good policies,” Minister Hassan said.

Minister Hassan was present in the National Assembly during all these three days during which the members gave their reactions to listen carefully.

He says that for certain members you can do better, you can give 100%, you can give stars in the sky, sometimes for enough, and sometimes for good.

Minister Hassan says this is because their ambition for power has made them destructive, negative, hypocritical, and manipulating the truth, just for the sake of confusion.

“My question for this group is: do you want Seychelles and Seychelles to fail, just to regain power? This French opposition is one that does not belong to Seychelles and Seychelles. Just 2 years, after the biggest economic crisis in the history of our country, Seychelles and Seychelles are starting to realize the benefits of their sacrifices and hard work, but the opposition comes with a litany of complaints, confusion and exaggeration that makes me grave at the conclusion that they are not understand how a country’s economy works. I only believe that this is nothing new because history has proven that they are certainly incompetent and ‘grossly ineffective’ in terms of the country’s economy and financing,” Minister Hassan said.

Minister Hassan has launched a call to all Seychellois to pay attention because the words that the opposition is passing on their lips are just words, but one that is not responsible, not serious and one part of a party in total confusion, a recycled party, and a group of recycled members, and a group of recycled policies. They are just turning around because they are desperate to get power.

He says that this budget is one that is once again based on distributing the good results of hard work and sacrifices that our people have made during the last 2 years.

“Brother Seychellois people, when your government is being recognized for its responsible and disciplined actions during the last two years and its results are remarkable, do you ask your body because its opposition has another version? When you wait for the IMF officials to talk about how the recovery of the Seychelles economy is ‘impressive’, is this what people believe?» Minister Hassan asked.

He says that every time they go to the IMF meeting, they are asked to give a presentation on how to successfully relaunch the Seychelles economy. Their meeting is full of these kinds of presentations, so what do people believe?

“When you see international institutions such as the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Development Bank for Commerce, and friendly countries are ready to invest and support Seychelles, what do people believe?

Is the whole world simply believing, because of the language, because of the Seychelles and the international community?

Ser, Brother Seselwa, let’s not allow ourselves to be annoyed by some politicians who only do populist politics and good politics just to get their votes,” Minister Hassan warned the people of Seselwa.

Minister Hassan thanked the members of the majority party, LDS, for their support for this budget.

He says that he is also really comforted by the ‘ feedback ‘ of the Seychellois people, who in the vast majority have shown their support for the 2023 budget.

“Once again, I am really disappointed with the response of the members of the opposition party. Disappointed but not shocked. One of the biggest disappointments is their lack of understanding of how a budget is prepared and what parameters exist,” Minister Hassan said.



Source: Seychelles Nation