
Message from the chief executive of CEPS, M. Alvin Laurence, on his 8th birthday

“November 8, 2014 is the date that the Seychelles civil society platform (CEPS – Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles ) was born following the existence of LUNGOS.

“Eight years later, there is a lot of work that has been done and there is still a lot to do.

“During this moment where we are commemorating our anniversary, ‘CEPS’ would like to express its sincere thanks to all its former and current workers for their continuous efforts that ensure that such a service to different non-governmental movements exists . A task that has been accomplished under the guidance of different council members who also deserve a lot of appreciation for their voluntary commitment.

“It is also a moment to greet the different partners that we collaborate with. Their implications strengthen our objectives and ensure more inclusion in society.

“Finally, the most important group to which we need to express our sincere gratitude is towards civil society movements, particularly our members. Without them our existence would not be a reality. The reflection to mark the 8th anniversary will be done during these 8 days and will end on November 16, 2022.

“Civil society is not a luxury but rather a necessity in our society.



Source: Seychelles Nation