
Message from the Association for Rights, Information and Democracy (Arid) on World Social Justice Day

Employers encouraged to formally employ their casual workers

“Every year the world commemorates February 20 as ‘World Day of Social Justice’. The purpose of the day is to concentrate on the plight of social injustice all over the world.

“Social justice is a concept which centres around equality among individuals and the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic brought its fair shares of challenges, such as domestic violence, police brutality, social inequity, unemployment just to name a few.

“In line with this year’s theme ‘Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment’, Arid hopes that employers who are exploiting workers especially casual workers, are encouraged to formally employ them so that they too can benefit from pension, insurance or health insurance scheme, if any, and able to secure loans.

“Not being vaccinated against Covid-19 is also a tool being used as reasons not to employ people and many of them have to find insecure jobs so as to survive.

“Arid urges the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs to get employers to fully employ their casual workers who have been working with them for more than three months, so that they will not lose out on any benefits. A brief illness or injury can mean no financial income to survive if one keeps being informally employed.

Martin Luther King Jr.: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter…”

Source: Seychelles Nation