
Message from Shella Mohideen on the United Nations Public Service Day

“Today we celebrate the United Nations Public Service. The theme, ‘Building back better from Covid-19: Enhancing innovative partnerships to meet the Sustainable Development Goals’ is calling on every country to rethink the operating model of its public service post Covid-19. The pandemic has sent shockwaves across our country and has provided the disruptions for the public service to re-think its structure and operating mode for better service delivery.

“Seychelles is rolling out the Result-Based Management (RBM) Framework with the aim of strengthening a culture that is focused on results and accountability. Today on this Public Service Day, I would to thank all public officers for exhibiting resilience during this pandemic.

“I would also like to thank you all for embracing the RBM principles and for your passion in working in the larger public interest. We need each public officer to stay committed and take pride in the integrity of our position. We need to adopt innovative approaches in public service delivery. We need to work towards our common vision of providing a service that is effective, reliable and customer-friendly.

“Today as we celebrate our service and values, let us continue to be the positive change that we want to see in our country!”

Source: Seychelles Nation