
Meet Soumya Satheesan and Stephanie Bonte: two First Class Honours graduates from UniSey/University of London

The University of Seychelles recently announced the achievements of two of its students – Soumya Satheesan and Stephanie Bonte – for their amazing projects.

Seychelles NATION had a chat with the two young achievers to know more about them and their projects.

Soumya Satheesan is originally from India and she has been in Seychelles since 2019, which is the year she started her degree studies.

“I studied BSc in Computing and Information Systems at the University of London (UOL) via the University of Seychelles teaching centre. I chose this degree as I enjoy logical thinking and problem solving.”

Her final project was chosen to be included in the UOL Project Library, which is a database that contains a collection of high-scoring 320 Project Reports for previous years.

“For my final project, I built a prototype of a mobile application using Flutter to investigate its potential in reducing household food waste. The focus of my project was to develop an app for food expiry tracking that also provides users with an item-based food schedule. By recommending which food items to use on each day, the goal of developing the scheduler was to help users plan their meals better,” she explained.

About what is in store for her, she added: “In terms of what’s next with my project, if I were to continue improving the app, I would work on polishing the app for publishing.”

Stephanie Bonte, aged 27 years, grew up in the district of Mont Buxton. She is currently working at the Seychelles Trading Company as a Senior IT Technician – Applications where she mainly provides system support, trains users and develops software applications.

“One of my main passions in life is to travel and see the world. I am always excited to visit new countries, have different experiences, and I enjoy shopping and also visit different football stadiums. Work-wise I am always passionate to attend to users’ needs, find and create solutions that will facilitate their daily tasks. Working on new projects at work brings another level of excitement,” she shared.

Stephanie Bonte was studying Bsc in Computing and Information Systems at the University of Seychelles, a course of the University of London (UOL). She completed her studies in May last year, a journey that started in 2017.

“Since I was working, I had to study part-time. I have been awarded First Class Honours for the course and also attained first class for my project. Hence, UOL has selected my project to feature among other exemplary projects on their Virtual Learning Environment. My project was based on container movement at STC. The project aimed to develop a software application that will reduce demurrage cost, streamline user tasks, provide real-time data for management team to take action and help middle management to prioritise their tasks. I now plan to enhance my project so that it caters for the daily users’ need at STC.”

Seychelles NATION congratulates these young ladies and wishes them best of luck in their future endeavours.

Source: Seychelles Nation