
MDAs in Upper West sign 2024 performance contracts

The Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs) in the Upper West Region have signed the 2024 performance contract, to ensure the commitment of the MDAs to advancing local governance and the efficient delivery of services at the local levels.

The performance contracts were also a means for the MDAs to set clear objectives, measure performance, and continuously strive for improvement geared towards improving the living conditions at the community levels.

Addressing Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCES) and Municipal and District Coordinating Directors (MDCDs) in Wa on Monday during the signing, Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih, the Upper West Regional Minister, said the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936), mandated all MDAs to work towards the success of the Local governance system.

He said the signing of the performance contracts signified their commitment to supporting Local Government in promoting local and national development through the delivery of value-for-money services.

‘As we append our signatures t
o the 2024 performance contracts, let us do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to excellence. Let us not only meet but exceed the expectations set before us’, he indicated.

Dr. Salih also advanced the need for the MDAs to enhance their engagement with stakeholders at the local levels, including the communities to ensure that their performance contracts aligned with the true needs and expectations of the people they served.

He said that could be achieved by establishing and implementing a robust stakeholder engagement strategy that included regular community fora, town hall meetings, and feedback mechanisms.

The Minister also encouraged the MDAs to ‘invest in technology infrastructure and capacity building for staff to leverage digital platforms for data management, reporting, and performance tracking.’

He explained that embracing modern technology in the activities of the MDAs could significantly enhance the efficiency and transparency of their performance monitoring and reporting mechani
sms, and streamline data collection, analysis, and communication among others.

‘Continuous training and development are crucial in ensuring that our personnel possess the skills and knowledge to adapt to evolving challenges and deliver on the objectives outlined in the performance contracts.

This is only possible when we prioritise ongoing professional development programmes tailored to the specific needs of our workforce’, Dr. Salih explained.

He commended the MDCEs and the MDCDs in the region for their dedication and commitment to their work and expressed hope that through the performance contracts, they would achieve new heights in local governance.

Source: Ghana News Agency