
Mass marks World Health Day

Former and current health workers, led by the Minister for Health, Peggy Vidot, attended a mass yesterday at noon at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on the occasion of World Health Day which is being celebrated today.

The aim of the spiritual service is for the current health workers, with the support of their former colleagues and other members of the congregation, to renew their strength so that they continue to do their work with love and compassion.

The theme for World Health Day 2022 by the World Health Organisatrion (WHO) is ‘Our Planet Our Health’ and the health workers celebrated the theme together with their own local theme ‘Take care of each other’.

The spiritual service was led by Father David Alcindor assisted by Reverend Christine Benoit from the Holy Saviour’s Church, Anse Royale.

The mass to celebrate World Health Day has been on the calendar of activities of the Ministry of Health for many years but was halted for the past two years as a result of Covid-19.

The spiritual service was also in remembrance of the departed and to those who in one way or another could not make it to the service.

Addressing the health workers and other members of the congregation in his homily, Father Alcindor stated that it is important to include the spiritual aspect in the celebration as it signifies the renewal of their engagement, under the guidance of God, to continue to provide the good service for the health of the society.

“God will continue to bless you and will guide you also to continue to do the marvellous miracles you are doing to save lives,” said Father Alcindor, who commended the health workers for the love and compassion to serve others in spite of the many challenges, especially in this time of the pandemic.

Father Alcindor called on the public to take advantage of the health workers and to appreciate their services bearing in mind that as human beings they also can make mistakes.

“I pray that God gives you the strength and courage to continue the noble job you are doing,” he said.

Source: Seychelles Nation