
Marie-Jeanne Estate bay gets new family fun park and outdoor gym

The Baie Ste Anne Praslin district now has a new facility which will help in promoting a healthy lifestyle and making fitness fun and accessible to all people, serving everyone, regardless of their economic situation or physical ability.

Situated at the Marie-Jeanne Estate bay, the new facility is an initiative of proportionally elected member of the National Assembly, Doyace Porice. It is in the form of a fun park and also equipped with an outdoor body weight-resistance workstation designed for various ages and fitness levels.

It is also equipped with a beach volleyball court and beach football pitch, while additional features such as board games will also feature in the near future.

The Marie-Jeanne Estate bay has been crafted entirely through voluntary work and private sponsors, with additional support from the Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency (SFRSA) on Praslin and the National Sports Council (NSC) which provided the outdoor gym equipment.

The new facility was officially inaugurated on Sunday by principal secretary for youth and sports Ralph Jean-Louis, in the presence of Mrs Porice, representative of NSC Francis Remie, all the volunteers and sponsors.

To coincide with the event, the community, leisure and sports for all section within the NSC launched its ‘Stay Young’ programme on Praslin, gathering a group of senior citizens at the Baie Ste Anne community centre, and to accommodate younger fitness enthusiasts, an exercise session was organised on the district’s multi-purpose court.

Speaking about the ‘Stay Young’ programme, Mr Remie, who also heads the community, leisure and sports for all section, said the activities under the programme are very important since they give senior citizens the chance to show that they can still live a very active lifestyle, while carry on enriching and improving themselves in diverse ways.

The accompanying photos were taken during the ceremony.

Source: Seychelles Nation