
Landfill waste management needs being addressed

In a measure to help Seychelles, the company Star Seychelles has once again decided to react to the recent landfill fires and import much needed material in the form of a spike wheel compactor and a 30-tonne excavator.

Land fill fires are very difficult to manage and needs specialised equipment and a highly knowledgeable workforce to deal with these fires when they break out.

Landfill fires can be extinguished by smothering with sand fill or soil and using water is not ideal as this may contaminate the water base and carry added pollution to the atmosphere.

Recently Seychelles has logged an uptick in these fires, and we urgently need to react.

The new equipment comes at a much-needed time when government has been meeting on a regular basis to discuss this issue.

It gives great pleasure for Star Seychelles to contribute to reducing the risk of such fires by helping the government and the people of Seychelles with the equipment which is needed for better management by the Land Waste Management Agency.

Source: Seychelles Nation