
Katiti Empowerment Association & Grassroot movement

Local clothing brand ‘Katiti Seychelles’ on Saturday evening launched its Katiti Empowerment Association and the Katiti Grassroots movement, targeting aspiring models who want to embrace the art of modelling.

The launch at the International Conference Centre, attended by family members, friends and fans of the clothing brand, took place during a two-hour show, which included modelling of the agency’s best collections, dance performances and songs by some of Seychelles renowned artists, namely Mersener, Highness, Real KS and Tessie Albert.

Speaking to Seychelles NATION, the owner and designer, Johanna Didon, said the association came about following great interest from young local aspiring models who responded to their call to join the Katiti Seychelles Modelling Agency. The agency was set up in 2020 after the local clothing brand found it short of models, and had to turn to other local modelling agencies when organising an event.

According to Mrs Didon the respond was so overwhelming, which prompted Katiti Seychelles to set up a non-governmental organisation, ‘Katiti Empowerment Agency’ (KEA), to empower those who would like to become models.

To date it has over a hundred models and aspiring models.

“The aim of the association is to groom them, not only for the catwalk but how to behave in general in public be it locally or overseas. We help them develop their self-esteem and confidence, and we also focus on healthy lifestyle for example exercising and eating healthily. So, by the time they reach 16 or 17, they would be a fully-fledged model, knowing everything about modeling,” explained Mrs Didon.

The association is also targeting children as young as four years old, and four of them were on stage on Saturday evening to showcase their attire, much to the audience’s delight.

According to Mrs Didon, the four young girls had the full backing of their parents who are very supportive of the association’s work.

She is calling on other parents to allow their children to join as this venture would have a positive impact on their children’s lives.

The younger aspiring models form part of the Katiti Grassroots movement and they target those from 4 to 16 years old.

Mrs Didon, who started Katiti Seychelles clothing brand with her husband Nelson back in 2017, said the company is all-inclusive and does not discriminate against sex, race, disability, or sizes.

“When we talk about modelling, we always think about tall and skinny people. But we want to break that perception. Anyone can be a model. A company could need a person with beautiful hair to model their hair products, or someone with a beautiful hand, who can be a hand model, or someone with a beautiful smile. So, it is not restrictive to tall, skinny people. We are giving everyone a chance to live their dreams,” said Mrs Didon.

It should be noted that Katiti Seychelles is allowing people as young as 16 years old to design their own clothes and these are sewn by Mrs Didon.

Saturday’s event was also a chance for the local clothing brand to showcase its collection for the Accra Fashion Week – one of Africa’s biggest fashion weeks, taking place in Ghana from December 7 to 11, 2022, where African designers can measure themselves to others on the continent.

Eighteen (18) models are travelling to Ghana and Mrs Didon said the show is also a way to secure additional funds for the trip. She is presently putting the final touches to the ladies’ attire and doing some additional work on the men’s clothes.

Some of Saturday’s collections were ‘Zepeng’, ‘Sequins’ and ‘African’ by Katiti Seychelles. Paslinoise designer, Oushna John Labrosse, presented her clothing collection which featured at the Dubai Expo in March this year under her brand name, OJZ Seychelles. The models also showcased a jewellery collection by Cshell brand owned by local entrepreneur, Cynthia Rose.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the launch event.



Source: Seychelles Nation