
‘Journey to Inspire Transformation’, a new book by Jude Fred

Journey to Inspire Transformation’ is the title of a new book written by Jude Fred.

The book is about the work of God in the vision to bring about hope and love. The understanding and clarity on visions birth from God, the challenges of a small island developing state (SIDS) gazing at the social and spiritual effects and the need to overcome these challenges as agents of change and the compulsion to change the mindset and understanding the role of the church amid the increase of iniquity and be doers, acting beyond the borders of the four walls.

The book was officially launched by the author yesterday morning in a ceremony at the Roche Caiman community centre.

Present were members of the Everlasting Love Ministry (ELM), families and friends, including a visiting delegation from the Kingdom of God Ministries International from South Africa among other guests.

The 158-page book will cost R200 and will be available at book sales distributions outlets in Victoria and with members of the Everlasting Love Ministry. It was blessed by Apostle Martin Burke, Kingdom of God Ministries International, who dedicated it into the hands of God to spread around. The book has been endorsed by Mr Fred’s father, Reverend Dr Simon Fred from the Anglican Church on Praslin. He was not present at the launch due to other commitments.

Mr Fred said that through God, he was inspired to write the book due to the many people he had met on the streets in need of hope following degradation on our social system.

He further said that people had died as a result of social ills in the country, especially related to drug use.

The book also talks about how God changed his life and moulded him into the person he is today, and how through his obedience to God and the vision that was placed on his heart, he has brought about transformation, not only in his life but that of the people that he has touched along his journey.

He started on the conception of the book in 2019 following the death of one member of the ELM (he chaired) who died using drugs.

He added that it was only during Covid-19 pandemic in early 2021 that he was challenged by God and his wife, Jeannette Fred, about the book and he got started writing and putting together the book in June 2021 and finished it in early this month (October).

“What I am aiming for in this book is we need to change the status quo. We have to bring hope. We have to make the church leaders, politicians, community leaders, understand that no matter where you are, you have a role to play in our society. People who are in drugs and alcohol are there because they’ve missed something. They’ve missed their purpose. I know probably they would not get to read a copy of this but we who read this, will be able to bring hope to them,” Mr Fred said.

He noted that the book will get people to instead of having to waste time to think of what is inside or outside of the box to find solutions, to actually delete the box and to implement the actions.

He stated that we missed out on addressing our social issues in 2011 and the facts about it are also written in his book for people to read and understand.

Sister Natalie Didon, who gave a review of the book, said: “In my opinion, the book ‘Journey to Inspire Transformation’ accomplishes what Mr Fred set out to achieve from sharing his journey, and that is to inspire and motivate the reader to not only step out of the box of tradition but to also delete the box of limitations, as they actively seek to make a difference but which can only be successful in partnership with God. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who feels and thinks that there must be more to life than just existing.”

Mr Fred who, apart from dedicating his book to God, also dedicated the book to Josephine Valentin, a deceased resident of Belonie and who humbly welcomed and cared for the vulnerable, including drug addicts, at her place of residence.

He presented the first signed copy to his mother Jenny Fred, followed by signed copies to his wife, the chief executive of Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (Ceps) Alvin Laurence and to Apostle Burke among other people who got free copies and those who bought theirs.

Mr Fred said that he is working on another book related to passion as a sense of inspiration for transformation, to be launched in 2022.

Also during the launch of the book, the ELM launched a gospel album entitled ‘Senp ladorasyon’ with seven songs. The album has been produced by Carlos Marianne, and will cost R100. Proceeds from the sales will go towards the construction of an ELM centre for young vulnerable people.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the book launch ceremony yesterday.

Source: Seychelles Nation