
Integrity crucial in ministerial calling -Apostle Dr Saakwa-Mante

Apostle Dr Walker Saakwa-Mante, Founder and General Overseer of Faith Army Chapel International (FACI), has reiterated the importance of integrity in ministerial calling.

He urged ministers of the gospel to embrace integrity in all endeavours, adding that men of God needed to be blameless and abstained from all forms of evil.

Apostle Dr Saakwa-Mante made these remarks in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on the sidelines of the maiden matriculation ceremony of the ‘School of the Prophets’, which is being spearheaded by FACI and the Charis School of Intensive Training, a UK-based institution.

Among its objectives is to train and equip ministers of the gospel to operate effectively in the office of the Prophetic Ministry.

Quoting from the Bible, Apostle Dr Saakwa-Mante said, ‘a bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach.’

‘I don’t see why the prophetic ministry will not be under the observation of this scripture, it
is the criteria to measure it and the bible says by their fruits we should know them’.

Apostle Dr Saakwa-Mante, who is also the President of Charis School of Intensive Training, told GNA that the ‘School of the Prophets’ intends to raise prophets of integrity; stating that they must be able to speak the word of God according to how God had spoken to them.

‘They must be able to speak with more prophetic accuracy, be able to interpret dreams, and find out people’s challenges and offer solutions’.

He said the combination of families made up a nation, adding that one of the objectives of the Church was the ability to help families.

He said the Church would have achieved more if was able to solve spiritual problems in families and give directions through prophetic ministry.

‘Sometimes there is no formal channel to equip people, we believe that this is a formal and decent channel to equip people through this School of the Prophets’, he said.

Among the dignitaries which graced the occasion was Reverend Prophet
ess Gloria-Ann Saakwa-Mante, spouse of Apostle Dr Walker Saakwa-Mante.

Source: Ghana News Agency