
“India is booming”: Seychelles and Sri Lanka journalists enlightened on India’s progress

Twenty-five journalists from Seychelles and Sri Lanka have learned more about India and the progress the country has made in various areas following a seven-day visit organised by the Indian government.


The journalists from various media houses visited several departments and companies with the aim to learn from what India is doing and hold discussions to better understand relations between the three nations.


Journalists from Seychelles were from the Seychelles News Agency, Today in Seychelles, Seychelles Nation, Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) and Seychelles Independent. Joined by counterparts from Sri Lanka, the group stayed in New Delhi and then spent three days in Hyderabad, the largest city of southern India’s Telangana state.


Seychellois journalist Joanna Nicette told SNA that the visit “was an eye-opener trip which dispelled many perceptions. India is booming and is all set to take the world by storm.”



The delegation also got to enjoy some of the rare monuments in India such as the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world. (Sedrick Nicette, Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY

Vidya Gappy from the Seychelles Nation said, “This was my first visit to India and I was impressed with their administration. Currently, the focus is on the development of their own people. I am eager to see how the country will be in a few years’ time.”


Among the places visited were the Ministry of External Affairs, the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India’s Information Fusion Centre (IFC), the International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the Indian Oil Company in New Dehli, and later they visited the T-Hub and Bharat Biotech in Hyderabad.


The meeting allowed both nations to interact with the various entities, with Seychelles particularly interested in the IFC, a naval organisation keeping tabs on the Indian Ocean’s waters, with the information shared with other countries, including Seychelles and Sri Lanka.


The International Solar Alliance also provided Seychelles, a small island nation, the chance to find out more about the work India is undertaking as it looks to increase the among of renewable energy the world uses, particularly solar energy.


The delegation got the chance to visit T-Hub, which is a non-profit organisation aimed at giving start-ups the best chance for success.  T-Hub does not only cater to Indian start-ups but is open to innovative ideas the world over.


Aside from the official meetings, the delegation also got to enjoy some of the rare monuments in India such as the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world and is seen as the best example of Mughal architecture and a symbol of India’s rich history.


In Hyderabad, the delegates also got a tour of the Golkonda Fort – one of the most popular forts in Hyderabad and another outstanding example of brilliant engineering and magical architecture.


The delegation returned from the seven-day trip having amassed a wealth of knowledge and ideas and made new friends.



Source: Seychelles News Agency