
Independent School primary library rewards its best spellers and audio storytellers

Every year, Lindy Wirtz, the teacher librarian at the school, ensures that students get the opportunity to showcase their talents in the different activities that empower reading. This year was no exception despite Covid-19.

It was through a short ceremony held at the school on Thursday November 25 that the best spellers and audio storytellers across all levels of Kindergarten year 2 to Grade 6 received their awards.

Both activities were open to all students including those with special needs, many of whom displayed outstanding spelling skills.

In the storytelling, students submitted a recorded story that they read. The participation was amazing with a larger group of storytellers from Kindergarten Year 2. Other students supported their classmates by voting for their favourite storyteller in the category ‘Children’s Choice Award’.

Congratulations to all winners, participants, parents and teachers for their enthusiasm in this activity.

A big thank you to Print House for their generous sponsorship and most of all to the school management for the much appreciated support and encouragement to make the ceremony a memorable one.

The accompanying photos show the various winners with the school’s principal Andy Esparon.

Source: Seychelles Nation