
In the Supreme Court

In the Supreme Court yesterday morning the prosecution in the case of illegal possession of arms and ammunition filed two motions before Chief Justice Rony Govinden – the first one was to correct a mistake in an affidavit while the second was an application to review digital forensic material seized from one of the accused, Laura Valabhji.

The latter informed the Court that she only received the document yesterday morning and that she needed more time to go over them.

Together with the two other accused in the case – her husband Mukesh Valabhji and Leslie Benoiton – have been remanded for another 14 days and will reappear in Court on August 1.

Meanwhile in a second case against the Valabhji couple yesterday but this time before Justice Burhan, the commissioner of police through the Attorney General’s office is asking the Court to seize the couple’s property at Morne Blanc under the anti-terrorism law.

A large cache of arms and ammunition together with a significant amount of foreign currencies were seized at the property last year. Also attached to this application is an affidavit by a police CID officer.

The Court has allowed the defence more time to come up with a reply.

Lawyer France Bonte is representing Mr Valabhji while lawyer Samantha Aglae is representing Mrs Valabhji in this case.

Court sets September 5 to sentence accused in case of cannabis cultivation and possession

The accused in a case of cannabis cultivation and possession will be sentenced on September 5, Chief Justice Rony Govinden decided yesterday.

The accused, Alexander Geers, was found guilty for cultivation and possession of cannabis found at his home in 2017. In Court Justice Govinden noted that while Mr Geers had accepted that he was in possession of cannabis products, he did not accept the charge that he was cultivating with the aim to traffic the drug. He said he was cultivating the drug for medicinal purposes as he needed significant amounts to produce a little oil.

Yesterday Justice Govinden rejected his argument that he was cultivating the drug s for medical purposes stressing that possession and cultivation of cannabis are still criminal offences under the law.

Meanwhile Mr Geers remains on conditional liberty.

Source: Seychelles Nation