
IGAD Calls on Media Outlets to Play Actively in Ensuring Peace, Security of Horn Region

Ensuring the peace and safety of Horn of Africa calls for participation of multilateral actors; and the mass media should play active role in this regard, according to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

IGAD has urged the media to have proper understanding of the complex nature of the peace and security threats in the region and focus on activities that would foster the image and national interest of the country.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia along with IGAD jointly organized a two-day training program to local journalists and foreign correspondents in Bishofstu.

The training focused on strengthening the capacity of the mass media on covering cross-border threats of peace and security, it was indicated.

Speaking on the occasion, Security Sector Program Director with IGAD, Commander Abebe Muluneh said that the East African region is vulnerable to cross-border crimes and security threats.

Therefore, the director said the mass media should have proper understanding of security and safety threats, as well as cross-border crime in the region.

And ensuring the peace and safety of the horn calls for participation of multilateral actors and the mass media should play active role in this regard, he stressed.

Thus, the mass media should create positive effects in the efforts to address security threats by discharging their responsibilities not only during the time of conflict but also in the post-conflict and peace building process.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Meles Alem said on his part that maintaining our national interest is not only the duty of diplomats but also of journalists.

Accordingly, the spokesperson urged journalists to fulfill their responsibilities especially in producing accurate information and providing it to the public.

African Affairs Deputy Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Jamaladdin Mohamed said that the training would help journalists to expand their understanding in the areas peace and security of the region.

The training would enable journalists to enhance their knowledge and skills, particularly in providing accurate and fair reporting on conflict and peace issues responsibly and with utmost care.

Further, it contributes to the role journalists play as part of strengthening the capacity of IGAD member countries in their efforts of addressing transboundary security threats.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency