
House Speaker Appreciates Efforts of Nat’l Dialogue CommissionCharles Bissue files for the Essikado-Ketan constituency seat

Addis Ababa: House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Speaker, Tagesse Chafo commended the National Dialogue Commission for the efforts it has made so far to identify the main issues from the grass roots, despite the challenges.

The speaker made the remark at a meeting the HPR Democratic Affairs Standing Committee, the National Dialogue Commission and other pertinent bodies held today.

During the meeting, the Democratic Affairs Standing Committee presented its field observation report on the implementation of the National Dialogue Commission.

The Democratic Affairs Standing Committee had visited Sidama, Harari, and Benishangul-Gumuz regions as well as the head office of the commission.

Representative of the standing committee appreciated the activities being carried out to give awareness, but pointed out the lack of sufficient awareness among the public about the significance of the dialogue..

He also said the cooperation of leaders from region down to woreda with the commission has created favorable work
ing environment.

Among the problems the committee identified are low participation of women and absence during agenda designing.

Moreover, the over expectation of the public from the commission to solve all the local problems is worrisome.

HPR Speaker Tagesse Chafo commended the National Dialogue Commission for the efforts its so far to identify the main issues from the grass roots.

He further called on stakeholders to work together with the National Dialogue Commission to identify the main issues that need attention in the dialogue so that the process can be completed at the desired time.

The support being given to the commission by the people shows that Ethiopians have a strong desire to resolve their differences through dialogue, he noted, adding that the government has obligation to fulfill its promise to the people.

Therefore, it will provide all the necessary support for the success of the dialogue in keeping with the institution’s neutrality.

National Dialogue Chief Commissioner Professor Mesfin
Araya stated that the commission has been carrying out various activities in collaboration with various stakeholders at federal and regional levels to make the national dialogue successful.

According to him, the commission is in the process of selecting participants and designing agendas from the grass roots.

Selection of participants has also been underway in different parts of the country, the commissioner said, stressing that the commission is exerting maximum efforts to include all stakeholders in the dialogue.

The chief commissioner called on the media to intensify the effort of informing and reminding the society about the purpose of the National Dialogue Commission and its activities.

Officials of the Government Communication Service and the mass media who participated in the discussion affirmed that they will play their roles to realize the dialogue.

The National Dialogue Commission was established with aim of resolving political differences and disagreements through a broad-based inclusive publi
c dialogue that engenders national consensus.
Source:Ethiopian News Agency

Mr. Charles Bissue, the Aspiring Parliamentary Candidate for the Essikado-Ketan Constituency has submitted his forms to solidify his interest in appropriating the seat for the party.

Mr Bissue, the former Western Regional Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), accompanied by market women, some polling station executives, market queens, and delegates presented his nomination forms at the weekend amidst brass band music.

Also, the former Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining, Mr Bissue pledged a clean campaign devoid of insults.

‘I am very aware of the fact that insults and name-calling can never win an election, it is about truth, facts and what the people want, and I am confident that I am the right person.’

However, the astute NPP loyalist is faced with the bigger challenge of succeeding the long-standing Member of Parliament, Joe Ghartey, who has represented the constituency for over two decades.

‘I acknowledge the stiff political landscape, referring to the previous gene
ral elections where the National Democratic Congress (NDCs) came close and called for all party faithful’s involvement for the expected victory in Essikado-Ketan.

‘I am not the big man, everyone has his/her own politics; the NDC closed the gap in the last elections, and they feel they can win the seat this time. The Essikado-Ketan seat cannot be joked with -so we need someone with experience.’

He narrated how he worked for the party to maintain majority seats for the NPP in the region adding, ‘We need to continue where Joe Ghartey left off, solidify the base of Essikado-Ketan in parliament, and that’s what I’m seeking to do.’

Mr Bissue had been the Regional Secretary for eight years, national council member for eight years, Northampton chair, presidential staffer among other responsibilities in the Party.
Source:Ghana News Agency