
High Commissioner- designate of the Republic of Maldives pays courtesy call on Minister Radegonde

H.E. Mr. Omar Abdul Razzak, High Commissioner designate of the Republic of Maldives, paid Minister Radegonde a courtesy visit today at Maison Quéau de Quinssy. H.E Razzak will present his credentials before the President of the Republic, Mr. Wavel Ramkalawan tomorrow, 22nd June 2021, at State House.

Minister Radegonde welcomed H.E to Seychelles and commended him on being the first Maldivian High Commissioner to be accredited to the Republic of Seychelles.

Both parties noted the similarities of their respective countries, with tourism being the main economic pillar. Minister Radegonde also expressed that Seychelles and Maldives should continue to share similar positions on the international platforms on challenges that both countries face as Small Island Developing States, such as climate change and erosion, Blue Economy, amongst others.

The meeting also discussed the possibility to provide internships for Seychelles nationals in the Tourism Industry and scholarships in the field of Maritime studies.

Also present at the meeting were Director General of Bilateral Affairs, Ms. Lindy Ernesta and First Secretary, Ms. Wendy Isnard.

Maldives and Seychelles established diplomatic relations in 1980.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Seychelles