
Headmaster of Aflao SHS appeals for bungalow

Mr Shadrack Abiuw, the Headmaster of the Aflao Senior High School (SHS), has appealed for the construction of a headmaster’s bungalow for the school. In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Abiuw said the school lacked a place to house the headmaster, compelling him to convert one of the classrooms into a bedroom for himself. ‘Since I assumed duty as headmaster of this school some few months ago, I had to improvise to get a place to lodge – I had to convert one of the classrooms into a bedroom for lack of accommodation – I do not have a permanent accommodation here in Aflao and so I am managing with one student mattress and a plastic table and chair I use as my study,’ Mr Abiuw said. He appealed to the Ketu South Municipal Assembly, to as a matter of urgency, assist the school with at least a headmaster’s bungalow in the meantime as efforts were made ‘towards additional accommodation for the teachers in the future.’

Source: Ghana News Agency