
Head of local Orthodox Church calls on President Ramkalawan at State House

The Very Reverend Father Sergios Janosevic, leader of the local Orthodox Church, yesterday paid a courtesy visit to President Wavel Ramkalawan at State House.

The local parish based at Machabée, Glacis is part of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria and All Africa and is overseen by the Archbishop of Tanzania and Seychelles, Metropolitan Demetrios (Zacharegkas) of Irinopolis.

Father Sergios said the discussion with the Head of State was very positive and he is hopeful that there will be possibility of assistance in the future.

He said among the many issues discussed was the possibility of acquiring a piece of land to build a permanent church.

Father Sergios said since the local Orthodox community is very small – around 100 members – it is not easy to collect sufficient fund to buy a piece of land.

For the time being, the weekly Sunday service is being carried in an extension at his home.

He said with the ongoing health restrictions, it is very difficult for most people to attend the service due to the small size of the facility.

Source: Seychelles Nation