
Harbour Café Bar and Restaurant celebrates fifth anniversary

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of its opening, Harbour Café Bar and Restaurant located at the Espace Building hosted a delectable Creole buffet on Sunday June 12, 2022.

Guests were entertained by Mervin Camille and the COLAZ band.

“Before the pandemic, Harbour Café was doing quite well but when the pandemic struck, we were also hit badly. But when the authorities allowed us to operate again, we were able to carry on with business. We did not close our doors even though we lost revenues. Our clients had faith in us and they kept coming,” shared Reynold Marie-Jeanne, owner of the restaurant.

Harbour Café Bar and Restaurant also hosts small parties and proposes a menu of mainly creole dishes with local spices like katkat bannann, ladob friyapen, bred soudsin, salad dizef pwason, bouyon bred. They also use spices such as thyme, Quatre Epices etc.

“But we also make other dishes – Sri Lankan and European – and we cater for our clients’ demand.

“Now five years into the business, we see light at the end of the tunnel!” said the owner.

The accompanying photos show samples of the celebratory buffet that night as well as the band COLAZ entertaining guests.

Source: Seychelles Nation