
Gov’t Launches First Round Former TPLF Forces Rehabilitation Program

The first round rehabilitation and restoration of former Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) forces was officially launched today.

The rehabilitation and restoration work started in Mekele City at a place called Quiha.

During the launching of the program, National Rehabilitation Deputy Commissioner Brigadier General Deribie Mekuria said that the rehabilitation and restoration will be undertaken in line with the Pretoria Peace Agreement.

Accordingly, psychological and technical training will be offered to the former TPLF forces, he added. Militants who return to normal life must not only change their lives, but also work to support the development of the region, the deputy commissioner noted.

He also called on them to play their part in making the peace lasting.

According to him, the government will help the militants who have entered the rehabilitation program to settle until their livelihood are restored in cooperation with development partners.

TPLF forces representative, Brigadier General Migbey Haile, said on his part that the ex-militants should be a force for development when they mingle with the society after completing the program. The former militants in the rehabilitation center stated that they are ready to return to a normal life with the support they receive.

Members of the African Union Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission (AU-MVCM) have attended the launching program.

Some 10 rehabilitation camps have been established in the region for this purpose.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency