
From Zero to Hero

Labriz dive centre on Silhouette Island has announced the successful completion of PADI Instructor Development Course by Stanio Maigre, a passionate Seychellois diver who started off as a snorkeler as part of a work attachment.

The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is made up of two parts – the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) programme. Most dive professionals complete the entire IDC and go on to attend an Instructor Examination (IE), which is the final step to earn a PADI Instructor certification.

During IE, participants undergo another two days of theoretical examination and practical assessment from an external PADI examiner.

Labriz dive centre is one of the only two PADI IDC centres and the only active PADI IDC centre in the country.

“We have a major responsibility,” states Laura Saudino, dive centre manager at Labriz dive centre. “We are responsible for training and developing future PADI Instructors for the entirety of Seychelles. Our aim is to develop this important role even further and become a reference point for the employment of dive professionals. We have two upcoming exciting projects, including a second IDC course within 2022 and potential work orientation seminars organised by our course director for young and passionate Seychellois.”

Get to know Stanio Maigre, PADI Instructor

Stanio is a truly passionate child of Labriz dive centre who came to Silhouette Island on a work attachment and got his heart stolen by below-the-surface magic of Silhouette Marine Park and surrounding waters.

Q: How long have you been working at Labriz dive centre?

A: I first came to Silhouette as a student on a work attachment placement from the Seychelles Maritime Academy. I was originally based at the Launch Section before transferring to the dive centre where I started my internship as part of the dive team. I completed my open water diver certification and then continued my dive training under the mentorship of the instructors. Over the next several months I gained my Advanced Open Water diver, Rescue Diver and then completed my dive master course just a year later in November 2021. Once my studies were finished at the Maritime Academy, I was offered employment as a dive master at the dive centre. It was soon after that I was given the opportunity to take part in the Instructor Development Course.

Q: Tell me about your experience when you first started diving.

A: I learned to dive here on Silhouette at Labriz dive centre. my first dive was in December 2020. When I first arrived on my work attachment, I was not interested in diving and didn’t think about it at all. But after my first dive I was addicted!

Q: Why did you want to be an instructor?

A: I want to be a good teacher! I also want to use diving to meet new people and to travel around the world to see new places and not just visit other countries but to experience other oceans.

Q: What is your favourite thing to see underwater?

A: Honestly, I love every marine animal, its hard for me to pick just one!

Q: What do you love about diving?

A: I love the fact that the underwater world is a place where humans are not meant to exist; we are visitors underwater which makes it a privilege and therefore an awesome place to be! I also love the quiet that you experience underwater, and I love to dive deep – the deeper I go the happier I am!

Q: What do you want to do in the future?

A: I would one day like to possess my own dive centre in Seychelles, so maybe become a Course Director.

Q: Where would you love to go diving?

A: I want to experience more of what Seychelles has to offer and go diving in Aldabra and Aride but I want to go everywhere! Especially tropical places – I’d love to dive in the Maldives and the Caribbean.

Source: Seychelles Nation