
Fresh students advised to refrain from acts that can jeopardize academic journey

Professor Philip Ebow Bondzi-Simpson, the Vice Chancellor of the Methodist University Ghana (MUG), has advised fresh students to refrain from acts that can jeopardize their academic journey and the peace in the University community. He said, ‘Let us respect the views of each other, exhibit tolerance, be accommodating and never allow yourself to be used by anyone.’ Prof Bondzi-Simpson gave the advice at the 24th Matriculation ceremony of the University in Accra. This academic year, out of 793 applicants, MUG was able to admit 715 to various programmes of study. Out of this number, 567 were accepted and duly registered to become junior members of the University. He said the fresh students admitted include 56 foreign students from nine countries namely Nigeria, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Kenya, Congo, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast and Togo. He said at MUG, the matriculation ceremony provided a unique opportunity for fresh students to be officially inducted as Junior Members into the institution. The Vice-Chancellor said the ceremony also enjoined fresh students to be obedient to all constituted authority of the University and to be of good conduct. He said in all things, they should remember that the interest of MUG should override every other consideration. ‘Be a good ambassador of the University and I wish you a very fulfilling stay at MUG,’ he added. He said the Dansoman Campus has a total of 335 students; males 96 and females 235, the Tema Campus had a total of 94 students, comprising 36 males and 58 females, while the Wenchi Campus has a total of 138 with 43 males and 58 females. He implored the students to be guided by the rules and regulations of the University and ‘do not forget that taking the Matriculation Oath binds you to all rules and regulations of the University.’ He said they should have a positive attitude towards their academic and social life, not forgetting their religious beliefs. He urged the students to avoid inappropriate dressing, while ladies were to avoid short, revealing, and transparent dresses, cleavages and backs were to be covered. The Vice-Chancellor said gentlemen were not to expose underwear and the ‘Otto Pfister’ way of wearing trousers was forbidden. He encouraged the students to attend the institutional worship service and other religious activities that the Chaplaincy may plan, indicating that these were all designed to give them a holistic development on MUG campus. ‘Cleanliness, it is said, is next to Godliness. As a Christian University we are particular about our environment,’ he added. He called on the students to help keep a green and clean environment conducive to academic work and make use of the litter bins that have been provided at vantage points.

Source: Ghana News Agency