
First national productivity campaign kicks off this week

Similar workshop ‘Mindset Change For Positive Transformation For the 21st Century Leaders’ will be conducted for primary and secondary head teachers at The Guy Morel Institute.

In collaboration with the Youth department, a youth forum on productivity will be hosted at the National Theatre, Mont Fleuri.

The Productivity Unit’s goal this year is to continuously educate and sensitise both the employer and the employee to adopt best practices as well as promote positive work attitude among the nation’s workplace to boost productivity and work towards eradicating any counter-productive mindset affecting workplaces. There is a need to promote good productivity practices, teamwork and good human resource practices in organisations which goes hand in hand with productivity, as improvement in both results in improved performance, efficiency and effectiveness. It is the responsibility of each individual for the improvement of productivity in order to secure a strong and balanced economic growth.

The theme calls on employers and workers to have a shift in mindset. There must be a gradual change of staff mentality, work ethos and attitude. They should adopt a more positive attitude to and towards work by taking their responsibility to give the best of themselves for further development of our country.

Productivity is key to prosperity, which in turn is an indicator of a country’s potential for economic growth in the short or medium term. Enhancing productivity is the primary means of raising prosperity. So let us work hand in hand to boost productivity in workplaces!

Source: Seychelles Nation