
FDA suspends operations of water producing company

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has suspended the operations of Samdoe enterprise, a water producing company, over the production and distribution of unregistered brands of water products.

The FDA said not only were the water brands unregistered, but also being produced in an unhygienic conditions.

‘The Authority’s Inspection Team uncovered major safety and quality issues, including operation in an unsuitable wooden structure, presence of open drains with algae and fungi growth, dirty filters, and and no pest control regime’, the FDA stated in a press release signed by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The affected brands of water are Perfect Ice Drinking Water, Aqua Link Drinking Water and Leaders Drinking Water.

The Authority has warned consumers to take notice of the suspended water brands and desit from consuming them.

‘The public is, therefore, cautioned not to consume the unregistered brands listed above.

‘It is imperative that consumers exercise caution when selecting water products and opt for products that have been duly registered by the FDA, with an FDA number on the label. ‘

The Authority also advised consumers, who had purchased the products to take proper steps to dispose them.

‘Consumers, who have already purchased these products are urged to immediately halt their use and properly dispose of them immediately,’ the FDA advised.

The FDA also urged retailers and distributors to withdraw all the afformentioned brands from the market.

It reminded the public to always check the registration status of regulated products from the FDA website before purchasing or consuming them.

Source: Ghana News Agency