
Family department and Seychelles Breweries team up to beautify VTC

The ‘Spirited Women’s Network’ made up of women employees of the Seychelles Breweries Ltd joined the Elderly and Disabled Division recently for a clean-up activity at the Vocational Training Centre (VTC), North East Point.

The facility, which caters to disabled persons aged 15 and above, has been closed for the past

year, pending a major renovation.

The premises now boasts a new landscape and cleaner rooms.

Seychelles Breweries Ltd corporate relations manager, Mary-Anne Ernesta, said that this partnership is in line with one of Spirited Women Network’s key agendas, which are to promote inclusivity and diversity.

“This is not a one-off activity; we are in preliminary talks for a long-term partnership. During the interactions with our collaborators we felt the urge to explore and assist with future initiatives that will benefit the disabled community, their families thus society in general,” Mrs Ernesta added.

The Elderly and Disabled Division’s director-general Rosa Morin conveyed her sincere appreciation to the group of volunteers for supporting this clean-up activity and welcomed future collaborations that would benefit the disabled community.

During the interview, she also gave an update pertaining to VTC’s reopening. “It is

obvious that the state of the buildings is not conducive for anyone nor is it disabled-friendly. For the major renovation, we are still waiting for a definite funding source for this project, we’ve submitted our project proposal under the India grant. We are hoping that funding is secured so that renovation works can start at the earliest possible. Both parents and our disabled students are looking forward to having the renovated centre open,” DG Morin said.

She added that the trainees who previously came to the facility at North East Point are keeping busy, attending ateliers and programmes amid the facility’s closure.

“Together with a consultant, the trainees are attending a reskilling programme every Monday and Tuesday at the Domus, on Wednesdays they are placed in a workplace for

their practical sessions, and Fridays they attend the empowerment workshops in partnership with our sister organisation the Seychelles National Youth Council.

DG Morin also commended her staff at the Elderly and Disabled Division under the aegis of the Family department for their continuous support and devotion. The Division recognises the importance of taking care of and maintaining what they have now as means of practice and setting a standard for what is to come ahead – a modern and practical space for the trainees and the lecturers. Also participating in the clean-up activity was the principal secretary in the Family department, Clive Roucou.

Source: Seychelles Nation