
Experts call for PR, media collaboration to fight disinformation and boost economic progress

Experts at a webinar session say the collaboration between PR Practitioners and media professionals is necessary to create impactful narratives, build strong brands, and foster meaningful connections with target audiences. They said throughout history, the relationship between media and PR has been dynamic and interdependent. However, the digital age has disrupted this dynamism, with social media empowering individuals and challenging traditional PR tactics. The webinar session organised by Newmark Group Limited, a Pan-African Integrated Marketing Communications firm, was to address the growing threat of disinformation and its adverse impact on economic progress. It was held on the theme: ‘Collaborating for Success: Unleashing the Synergy Between Media and PR Practitioners’ to commemorate World PR Day 2023.’ Since its inception in 2021, the Day has been held to recognize the power and influence of Public Relations in shaping opinions, driving change, and fostering understanding. The annual event serves as a reminder of PR’s pivotal role in modern society, promoting effective communication practices globally. The webinar featured an esteemed panel of industry leaders, including Mr Gilbert Manirakiza, CEO of Newmark Group, Ms Omawumi Ogbe, Managing Partner for GLG Communications in Nigeria, Mr Joel Chacha, Director at Portland Communications in Kenya, Ms Dzifa Bampoh, Manager of Corporate Communications at GRIDCo Ghana, and Mr Sulaiman Aledeh, a renowned Nigerian Journalist They, therefore, called for reflection on the transformative journey of media and PR, emphasizing the crucial need for transparent and ethical communication. Mr Manirakiza said: ‘At their core, public relations and journalism are interconnected and reliant on trust.’ He said as the media landscape had become increasingly fragmented and the explosion of content automation looms, collaboration becomes more crucial than ever. ‘We must navigate this changing landscape together, ensuring that human-generated content remains distinguishable and trustworthy amidst the rise of machine-generated content. In the face of Artificial Intelligence (AI) dominance, our partnership must grow stronger to safeguard the integrity of information,’ he said. Mr Manirakiza said in Africa, where technology consumption is high, ‘we have a unique role in mediating and engaging with these currents.’ Mr Chacha reiterated, ‘In the era of convergence and the shrinking news landscape, the challenge of capturing attention is universal, transcending borders.’ He said attention spans had dwindled, and relatability and authenticity have become paramount. To solve these challenges, ‘we need to anchor our content in data and research, ensuring that strategic insights back every product launch or campaign.’ Ms Ogbe said, ‘The future of PR lies in embracing technology while staying rooted in our humanity, as we leverage AI, big data, and new media platforms, let us remember the power of authenticity and traditional values, while marrying the past and the future allows us to maintain balance and ethical practices.’ She said PR means Public Relations, but the ‘P’ equally stands for people, and by combining traditional and new approaches, ‘we can set ourselves apart and deliver meaningful, ethical communication in the ever-evolving landscape.’ The webinar served as a platform for professionals and student bodies from various African countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Burundi, Ivory Coast, and others, to collectively learn the power of collaborations in harnessing public relations across diverse fields. Participants gained valuable insights, strategies, and practical tips for enhancing their communication efforts. Mrs Dzifa Bampoh said, ‘In the dynamic realm of African public relations, the growth of conglomerates brings opportunities and challenges.’ She said, ‘We must ensure that messaging respects local cultures while embracing digital strategies. Traditional media remains important, despite political influence on some outlets. Transparency, cultural sensitivity, and inclusivity are essential for shaping a balanced narrative.’ Mr Sulaiman Aledeh, a Nigerian Journalist, ‘As a journalist, embracing PR concepts allows you to uncover hidden narratives and shed light on untold stories. To excel in both fields, one must master the art and trade of each one, recognizing the unique value they bring to the African media landscape.’ The webinar marked a significant milestone in promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing among African PR and media professionals. As the industry evolves, such initiatives drive innovation, foster meaningful connections, and forge a path towards enhanced communication practices.

Source: Ghana News Agency