
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, develops new Communication Policy

The Strategic Planning Committee of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana (EPCG) has developed a Communication Policy for the Church, in line with modernity to ensure uniformity with national and international trends in information sharing.

The Policy, which will be reviewed every two years, will help the Church incorporate emerging global trends into its communication strategies to enhance its work and satisfy stakeholders’ communication needs.

The Policy was released at the 11th General Assembly meeting of the Church in Tamale and sighted by the Ghana News Agency.

The four-day meeting, on the theme: ‘Care for God’s creation, the mission of the Church,’ will be climaxed with a thanksgiving and fundraising service on Sunday.

The Policy’s objectives, among others, are to provide efficient and effective communication mechanisms among management, agents and other stakeholders and promote coherent and consistent information flow among internal and external stakeholders.

It is also to minimise communica
tion breakdown and delays including the promotion and coordination and promotion of stakeholders’ feedback, and promote the use of appropriate, efficient, and effective channels of communication.

Also, it would keep members of the church informed of upcoming events, policy changes, engagement initiatives and updates.

The Policy stated that global competitiveness had made branding an integral part of organisational growth, and since brand identity could make or unmake an organisation, handling corporate communication professionally could not be overemphasised.

It stressed that an organisation’s survival depended heavily on its ability to engage in effective communication with its internal and external stakeholders using appropriate technology and that the Policy was the Church’s commitment to providing stakeholders with timely and accurate information.

The document was envisaged to promote a smooth information flow and create an enabling atmosphere for feedback, help the Church to embrace and foster effect
ive internal and external communication that promoted the realisation of its vision, mission, and core values in harmony with its stakeholders.

Source: Ghana News Agency