
EU Allocates Additional Humanitarian Aid of 22 Mil Euros to Ethiopia

The EU announced today new funding of 22 million Euros (more than 1.2 billion Birr) in humanitarian aid for the most vulnerable people in Ethiopia.

The aid will be used to those suffering from the impact of conflict and displacement including refugees, drought and other climate-related hazards, and epidemics, according to a press release issued by the EU today.

This amount adds to the 60.5 million Euros announced earlier this year for Ethiopia, bringing the total of EU humanitarian funding support in Ethiopia to 82.5 million EUR thus far in 2023.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, said: “Against the backdrop of the widespread humanitarian needs in Ethiopia, the EU has mobilised this additional funding to continue supporting humanitarian organisations in the country scale up their emergency, life-saving assistance to the people in need.

The Commissioner stated that our humanitarian experts on the ground are constantly monitoring the situation and “we remain steadfast in our commitment to stand in solidarity with those in need in the country.”

The EU’s humanitarian funding in Ethiopia is helping address the high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition amongst the most vulnerable and provide access to protection support, primary health care, clean and safe water, sanitation and hygiene services, as well as education opportunities for children caught in humanitarian crises and who, as a result, have lost out on their schooling.

EU support in Ethiopia is implemented in a way that reinforces the Humanitarian-Development-Peace synergies in the country.

According to EU, the humanitarian needs in Ethiopia are massive, resulting from the two-year conflict in the north of country, a devastating and prolonged drought, large population displacements, as well as additional conflict hotspots and localized conflicts.

Additionally, more than 90,000 refugees have recently crossed into Ethiopia from Somalia, with Ethiopia now hosting now over 890,000 refugees.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency