
Ethiopia’s Membership in BRICS Would Contribute Significantly to Realizing South-South Cooperation: PM Abiy

Ethiopia’s endorsement to join the BRICS bloc will contribute a lot to realizing South-South cooperation, according to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Ethiopia’s bid to join the emerging-markets bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) was endorsed this morning during the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In his statement following the endorsement, Prime Minister Abiy said Ethiopia’s endorsement to join the BRICS bloc will contribute a lot in realizing the South-South cooperation.

According to him, Ethiopia was chosen by the bloc because of its large population and history as well as the high growth rate it is experiencing.

The prime minister further mentioned those positive factors that have helped Ethiopia to join BRICS included the Green Legacy Initiative, its green energy development, and the ongoing agricultural activities to become food self-sufficiency as well as the overall GDP growth.

Abiy, who describes BRICS as one of the world’s emerging largest blocs in terms of population, economy and influence, stated that the group has steadily been growing.

More than forty countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS. Of these, 6 countries have met the criteria and became members.

Noting that those other countries which have joined the bloc have by far large GDP, Abiy pointed out that Ethiopia was selected due to its development prospects and as a future African powerhouse.

The PM noted that there is a great hope that Ethiopia’s membership will consolidate South-South cooperation.

“BRICS has been an important bloc where many are looking to join. Our current membership is a victory achieved through many struggles. We are very grateful to China, India, Russia, Brazil, and South Africa. They have helped us a lot.”

The premier revealed that in his conversation with leaders of these countries, they have acknowledged that Ethiopia’s membership of the BRICS family is crucial for Africa’s diplomatic influence at the international stage and to empower the South-South cooperation.

In general, the prime minister underlined that Ethiopia’s BRICS membership could be taken as one of the biggest diplomatic victories of the country recorded in the last few decades.

Abiy, who also spoke about the bilateral talks he held with Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS, disclosed that China has given a one-year debt relief until the entire debt restructure process will be made.

This is a huge achievement to Ethiopia, he noted.

He also recalled the bilateral discussion with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, adding that “in our meeting with the Prime Minister of India, we agreed to work together in science and technology, military, trade and investment.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency