
Ethiopia to Intensify Role in Promoting Peace, Cooperation in East African Region: Foreign Affairs State Minister

Ethiopia will strengthen its role in promoting lasting peace and developing mutual cooperation in the East African region, Foreign Affairs State Minister Mesganu Arga told ENA.

He reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to provide the necessary support to resolve the problem in Sudan peacefully.

Activities of monitoring the situation of Ethiopians in Sudan and ensuring their safety have been given due attention following the ongoing conflict, the state minister added.

Ethiopia wants Sudan to become stable since Sudan’s instability is interconnected with Ethiopia’s national interest and internal peace.

According to him, Ethiopia benefits from a stable neighboring country. Trade, investment, peace and security can be ensured in the region when peace is secured in neighboring countries.

Ethiopia’s foreign policy and main principle, therefore, emanates from this, he said.

Hence, Ethiopia is not only interested in the resolution of the problem in Sudan but will also provide the necessary support for its successful outcome.

Ethiopia will stand by the people of Sudan and it will not be partisan to any party in the conflict, Mesganu underlined.

Moreover, Ethiopia firmly believes that the Sudanese people should lead the peace process.

The state minister added that Ethiopia is clearly expressing its position that intervention by any third party in Sudan’s internal affairs will only worsen the problem.

It is, therefore, Ethiopia’s desire that the problem be solved in an inclusive manner and within the framework of the peace agreement signed earlier.

He also pointed out that the humanitarian support extended by Ethiopia are expressions of its solidarity and partnership to the people of Sudan.

Mesganu recalled that Sudan is a neighboring country which shares a long border with Ethiopia in addition to its strong cultural, language and people-to-people interaction.

According to the state minister, efforts are being exerted with a view to monitoring the situation of Ethiopians in Sudan and ensuring their safety in collaboration with the Ethiopian Embassy in Khartoum.

Similarly, Ethiopia has been carrying out its responsibilities to protect the safety of foreign citizens in Sudan in accordance with international laws and human right conventions.

“As there are many Ethiopians residing in Sudan, we have assigned representatives to help our citizens and provide the necessary services in Khartoum without closing the embassy. Ethiopians are encouraged to report to the embassies both in Khartoum and Gadarif to receive services so that we could provide the necessary support for the evacuation.

“We are also working attentively to support foreign citizens, including those from the US and other western countries as well as African nations. (They) have been receiving our services to get transit via Ethiopia.’’

Mesganu finally noted that the peace agreement being implemented by Ethiopia to end the conflict in the northern part of the country demonstrates the fact that Africans can address their problems themselves.

Therfore, he added that there is a need for Sudanese to take lessons from this experience as it is exemplary.

The state minister finally urged the warring parties in Sudan to heed to the advice of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to regain peace and stability.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency