
Ethiopia Making Extensive Preparations to Implement Transitional Justice Policy

Addis Ababa, The government of Ethiopia is making extensive preparations to implement Transitional Justice Policy with a view to realizing strong unity and bring sustainable peace in the country, Minister of Justice.

Recalled that transitional justice policy document which is believed to contribute to sustainable peace, reconciliation and justice in Ethiopia has been developed.

Justice Minister Gedeon Timothiwos explained the current progress of policy options for Transitional Justice in Ethiopia to Legal, Justice and Democracy Affairs Standing Committee of the House of Peoples’ Representatives.

During the occasion, the minister said transitional justice is crucial for nation building and bring sustainable peace in the country.

He pointed out that there is ample evidence of transitional justice practice in many countries of Latin America and Africa.

The experiences enabled the identification of a range of activities and processes that are used to implement transitional justice and consolidate democracy, he added.

Ethiopia had attempted to apply certain components of transitional justice on different occasions, he said, adding that; however, the absence of a holistic transitional justice framework rendered its efforts ineffective, incoherent, and largely fragmented.

Therefore, he said in order to consolidate democracy and ensure sustainable peace, it is imperative for the country to develop a comprehensive transitional justice policy based on its current realities and socio-political context, and by drawing on lessons leant at national and international levels.

Dealing effectively with past violations using transitional justice mechanisms contributes to the advancement of rule of law and sustainable peace, he added.

The document on Policy Options for Transitional Justice in Ethiopia is developed based on the findings of a study conducted by experts and is aimed at soliciting inputs from relevant stakeholders.

Over 200 law lecturer of 33 universities have been participated in the preparation of policy option and some 47 discussions were held at national and regional level.

The minister said transitional justice is a process that seeks to build a system of sustainable peace, reconciliation, stability and rule of law by breaking with a past culture of atrocities and injustices.

He pointed out that the first phase of the transitional justice policy framework process is nearing completion and the implementation of the international and continental laws that Ethiopia has agreed upon will not allow forgiveness and amnesty on serious and international crimes.

The standing committee praised the ministry for the exerting efforts to enrich the document saying that it would play a crucial role in identifying disagreements and heals wounds of the victims.

In the meantime, Gideon gave explanation to the standing committee regarding the status of justice sector transformation program.

According to the minister, the program is designed to resolve complaints against the justice system by taking the grievances of the public as a starting point.

A special intervention is needed to improve the current judicial system; he said, adding that it will bring fundamental changes to ensure service satisfaction in the justice sector.

Members of the standing committee said if the plan is put into operation, it will realize the huge demand of justice from the society and in this regard they are tasked to inspect and monitor the minister to achieve its plan.

Chairperson of Legal, Justice and Democracy Affairs Standing Committee of the House of Peoples’ Representative Etsegenet Mensgistu on her part said as the justice sector transformation program is helpful for the people to get justice which they demand, the chairperson pointed out that everyone should take responsibility for its effectiveness and efficiency.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency