
ESA leads stakeholders’ consultative forum to discuss procedures to finalise kiosk operations

Relevant stakeholder representatives such as the police, Seychelles Land Transport Agency, Seychelles Investment Board, Seychelles Licensing Authority among others, yesterday took part in a consultative forum led by Enterprise Seychelles Agency to finalise procedures for kiosk operators.

Enterprise Seychelles Agency (ESA) has been working on the procedures since February 2022 whereby a policy has been designed to regularise this type of business. This has been done in consultation with stakeholders directly involved in dishing out permits or licenses.

Launching the forum the chief executive of ESA, Angelic Appoo, noted that the aim of the discussion is to finalise the procedures to regularise operations of the kiosks.

She highlighted that operating kiosks has become a popular activity in Seychelles. Ms Appoo added that it is necessary to ensure that a clear operation procedure process comes out.

“We found it necessary to continue the discussions as a team and our aim is to ensure a clear cut procedure and license for kiosk businesses,” she stressed.

One of the key issues that came out in the discussion is that certain beachfront areas around the country are being occupied by various types of kiosks such as those producing local juices, those selling fruits and vegetables, souvenirs and food items. Some of these kiosks are operating without any license and are thus not being regulated. This makes room for unsanitary conditions as they have no clean water supply, no washing up facilities, dirty structures and lack of proper waste disposal.

As per the conditions of operations, applicants must have food safety and hygiene training and documentation, should ensure cleanliness of allocated space, should have access to running water, adequate lighting facilities at all times and appropriate waste disposal. Other important aspects will be reviewed, put forth and approved by the relevant stakeholders.

“There will be considerations for the locations of the kiosks, their distance from neighbouring buildings and assessment by Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency (SFRSA) to ensure management of risk and safety,” said Ms Appoo.

She further stressed that no kiosk will be located on the beach itself but rather above the water mark.

“There will be instances whereby we will have to assess each application for a kiosk on a case by case basis depending on the terrain where the kiosk may be located,” she remarked.

Meanwhile ESA says it will continue to maintain the entire registered and permitted kiosk list in the country.

Source: Seychelles Nation