
Djibouti Public Diplomacy Trip to Ethiopia Takes People to People Relationship to Next Level

The delegation of Djibouti’s public diplomacy trip to Ethiopia will take the people-to-people relations between the two countries to the next level, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A delegation of Djibouti public diplomacy led by the country’s Secretary General of Interior Ministry of Djibouti, Siraj Omer arrived on Tuesday at Labu Railway Station, found in the newly established Sheger city.

Upon arrival at Furi-Labu Railway Station of the Ethio-Djibouti Railways, the delegation was received by State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano and Mayor of Sheger City Teshome Adugna and other officials.

In her remarks, State minister of Foreign Affairs, Birtukan Ayano said the delegation’s visit to Ethiopia is a new phase of strengthening bilateral relations.

I am delighted to see you all arriving to your second home. In fact, this journey is from home to home, and the Ethiopia Djibouti family’s trip shows a new phase in our thriving bilateral relations.

“This trip for sure will take our people to people relationship to the next level. As we are tied by blood, culture, language, history, economy and above all by the aspiration of our people, we all continue our steadfast effort to achieve regional integration,” she said.

She pointed out that the political commitment of the two countries, the guidance and special attention from our leaders, the commitment of the different line of ministries and the dedication of our expertise and above all the will and aspiration of our peoples in the engine are behind our effort.

This is a historic occasion and you have come a long way by the Ethio-Djibouti Railway which symbolizes our ties past, present and future.

This journey tells the history, cultural relations, sisterhood and modernization. Ethiopia the land of origins, ancient history, vibrant culture and remarkable achievement welcome you with open arms, the state minister told the delegation.

She noted that our nation has a long standing tradition of hospitality and friendship and we are committed to deepening our ties with Djibouti in various fields.

She added that your presence here is another testimony that the two governments are revitalizing the regional integration process.

Head of the Delegation of Djibouti Public Diplomacy Siraj Omer on his part thanked the officials who accorded warm welcome to the delegation, adding that people-to-people relations between the two countries will continue to be strengthened.

“We are surprised by the warm welcome accorded to me and my delegation.We want to thank the government of Ethiopia for such presidential welcome,” he said

Djibouti Ambassador to Ethiopia, Abdi Muhammad on his part said that the leaders of two counties have always desire to enhance and strengthen the unique and special exiting bilateral relation between two countries.

“Ethiopia and Djibouti share excellent, indeed exemplary relations in all areas like the railway that you took to come to Addis Ababa, ports, road infrastructures, power and water services connection that the two countries and the two leaders always work hard to give better future for our people,” he said.

Mayor of Sheger City, Teshome Adugna said Oromia regional state which has established since 1991 has endowed with natural and man-made resource.

After implementing holistic and wide range of political reform, the regional state has established the new smart city by merging five small towns found around Addis Ababa, he added.

“Ethiopia and Djibouti has strong economic and social cooperation. Using this opportunity, I want to express our interest to form sister city relationship with Djibouti,” he said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency