
Deputy PM says Ethiopia Achieves Brilliant Victories amidst Complex Challenges

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia has gained enormous achievements despite unprecedented and complex challenges, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh underscored.

Speaking on the first day celebration of Pagumen (Thirteenth Ethiopian Month), the Deputy Prime Minister said the country demonstrated remarkable resilience, overcoming numerous complex challenges and achieving significant milestones, noting how the nation has consistently thrived despite facing complex difficulties.

Temesgen expressed optimism about Ethiopia’s progress on its development journey, emphasizing the nation’s long-term vision and strategic planning, which have guided its path towards prosperity.

He acknowledged the challenges the East African nation has faced during its far-reaching reforms in recent years, but also celebrated the significant victories achieved.

‘The nation’s experiences during these times have provided valuable lessons that will inform future development efforts,’ he added.

According to Temesgen, Ethiopia has made remarkabl
e strides in the agricultural sector.

‘Once heavily reliant on wheat imports, the country has successfully transitioned to self-sufficiency and is now even exporting wheat to foreign markets, which is a testament to the nation’s agricultural development and economic growth,’ he elaborated.

The Deputy Premier also highlighted the significant impact of wheat cultivation on Ethiopia’s agricultural sector.

Most importantly, he said increased production and productivity have led to improved livelihoods for farmers, strengthened the agricultural economy, and reduced reliance on imported products.

By reviving dormant industries and expanding their capacity, Ethiopia has successfully replaced imported products with locally produced goods, Temesgen indicated. He further noted the progress made in domesticating the manufacturing sector and this transition has not only strengthened the economy but has also created employment opportunities for many citizens.

‘These achievements could serve as valuable lessons for sh
aping Ethiopia’s national vision,’ he underscored.

He praised ‘Tamart Ethiopia,’ a national movement for its role in boosting the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector, has contributed to increased exports, reduced reliance on imported industrial products, and created jobs for many Ethiopians.

The Deputy Premier also highlighted the transformative impact of the Great Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD).

“Through effective leadership and decision-making, the dam has transitioned from a stagnant project to a significant source of power generation and this achievement is a testament to the collective efforts of the Ethiopian people,’ he emphasized.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the government’s commitment to tourism development in recent years.

By focusing on projects that align with Ethiopia’s historical and natural beauty, Temesgen pointed out that the country has successfully positioned itself as a desirable tourism destination.

He asserted that the extensive progress made in various sectors de
monstrates the effectiveness of the government’s policies and the feasibility of achieving the vision of national prosperity.

‘Learning from past challenges and preparing for the future successes is crucial.’ He said, adding that ‘the need for a positive outlook and a strong commitment to achieving victory’.

As Ethiopian New Year begins, the Deputy Prime Minister called for renewed determination and cooperation between the government and the people, urging everyone to work together towards greater achievements and victories.

He encouraged Ethiopians to celebrate their successes and remain undeterred by challenges and the need to accelerate the development and prosperity journey and eradicate poverty and backwardness.

He also called for unwavering commitment and dedication from all citizens in serving their country, recognizing the contributions of those who have played a significant role in Ethiopia’s progress and development.

A ceremony marking the “Day of Transition” is taking place at the Science Muse
um, featuring the presence of Deputy Prime Minister himself, Prosperity Party Vice President and Head of Democracy System Building Coordination Center Adam Farah, and other senior federal officials.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency