
Danny Faure Foundations Media Awards 2022

Journalists, media practitioners and media houses locally stand the chance to be recognised and rewarded for their efforts towards promoting Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance (TAGG) during the year 2022, through the Danny Faure Foundation’s Media Awards 2022.

The Awards aim to encourage reporting that promotes TAGG by keeping the public informed and engaged on the social, economic, and political activities within the country, and which succeeds at raising public awareness, understanding and participation.

The promotion of TAGG for sustainable development in Africa is one of the five key pillars of the Danny Faure Foundation (DFF).

Initially launched in January 2022 and applicable to works published or broadcasted between January 1 and December 31, 2021, it was later postponed for this year considering the challenging nature of the chosen theme.

The Awards is open for works across different media formats, in the fields of radio, print, television, as well as digital media published or broadcasted through recognised, licensed media outlets between January 1 and December 31, 2022.

Entries must demonstrate awareness and understanding of the importance of TAGG in media reports, and must address issues that are relevant to the promotion of TAGG.

Journalists employed by a local media organisation are free to submit an entry, but must inform their respective organisation, while media organisations can themselves submit up to three entries.

All submitted works must be original and in conformity with copyright requirements. Participants are required to provide an online link for the submitted work, to allow for easy access by members of the judging panel.

Features and articles should consist of a minimum 800 words and maximum of 5000 words, while those published in online editions of reputable magazines and journals should be between 700 to 1500 words.

News report, documentary or discussion programmes produced and broadcasted on radio should be a minimum of 3 minutes and maximum 60 minutes duration, with the audio recording in mp3 format at 44.1Hz, 90 or 120kbps.

As for television journalism, news reports, documentary or discussion programme entries should also meet the criteria of being 3 minutes minimum, and a maximum of 90 minutes. The video recording must be in high definition (HD) MP4 format, in either 720p or 1080p resolution.

Additionally, works must be in one of the three national languages – Creole, English or French. An English translation is required for features and articles submitted for both print and online media categories, and audio visual entries are to be accompanied by a transcript in English.

The best journalistic works are to be selected by an adjudication panel composed of the Seychelles Media Commission, Transparency Initiative Seychelles, The Guy Morel Institute, the University of Seychelles, a retired local journalist, a reputed individual experienced in investigative journalism, and an international organisation relevant to good governance. They are to be approved by the DFF Board of Directors.

The DFF is presently calling for entries, and all submissions should be in by March 31, 2023. Entry forms are available from the organisation’s website,

Award winners will be announced on May 3, 2023, to coincide with World Press Freedom Day.

The DFF was launched by former President Danny Faure in June 2021 as a non-profit, non-political organisation. Among the strategic pillars on which the foundation is based are the promotion of ocean governance and the blue economy as the next frontier of sustainable development, effective leadership and gender equality in a new generation of leaders in Africa, as well as pushing youths to adopt positive lifestyles in shaping the country to its highest level of development.

Source: Seychelles Nation