
Customs urges public to adhere to import regulations on plant products and balloons

The Customs Division of the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) is urging the general public to adhere to all regulations related to the importation of plant and plant products as well as balloons into the Seychelles.

Plants and plant products: In line with SI 41 of 2021, Customs Management (Prohibited and Restricted Goods) Regulations 2019, plants and plant products are classified as restricted goods and are subject to the approval of a competent authority for any commercial and personal importation into the country.

As Customs continues to encounter situations where plants and plant products, especially plant seeds, are entering the country without a valid import permit, importers and individuals are being advised to seek the necessary approval of the National Biosecurity Agency, in addition to obtaining a valid import permit at the Import and Export Division of the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade prior to importing these restricted goods.

In circumstances where restricted goods arrive into the country without a valid permit, the goods may be seized and the importer may be asked to re-export the unauthorised goods.

The importer will also have to pay the Customs debt incurred on the importation of such goods and may even be faced with a fine for the landing of the unauthorised goods.

Balloons: Classified as prohibited goods, under S.I 165 of 2020, Customs Management (Prohibited and Restricted Goods) (Amendment) (NO.3) Regulations, 2020, any forms of biodegradable, vulcanised rubber and plastic balloons – be it aluminized or latex balloons, including those with toys – are not allowed entry into the Seychelles.

Following the ban imposed on the importation of balloons by both businesses and individuals into the Seychelles in 2021, members of the public are being advised to refrain from importing balloons through any point of entry including through courier services, the post office or from carrying the balloons in either their hand and checked baggage upon returning to Seychelles, as such prohibited goods will be seized and destroyed by Customs.

Source: Seychelles Nation