
Curtain falls on Byenal Sesel 2022 with presentation of event’s catalogue to last two visitors

The Seychelles Biennale of Contemporary Art closed its doors on Saturday afternoon, with the last two visitors to the main exhibition at the Seychelles Chinese Cultural Centre presented with copies of the Biennale catalogue and the ‘Art in Seychelles’ publication (donated by Eden Art Space Gallery).

Two of the Seychelles Institute of Art & Design (Siad) students – Samuel Moses and Denisha Quatre – who have worked as gallery custodians throughout the four-week run of Seychelles’ largest ever exhibition of art, presented the books to Earl Renaud and Aina Cadence.

A total of ten students staffed the main Biennale venues in a manner described by curator Martin Kennedy as “professional and exemplary”.

Generally, attendance at the Biennale’s eight venues exceeded expectation, with more than 10,000 visitors recorded.

Many visitors were inspired to leave positive comments in the Biennale journal located at the SCCC, which collectively exceeded 50 A4 pages.

Particularly pleasing is the fact that more than twenty schools visited the show. The exhibition generated a great deal of interest from tourists who, the organisers estimate, made up about 40% of the total visitor number.

Work has now begun on dismantling the exhibition and shipping work back to international participants.

A documentary film recording the event is also in production and will be screened at a major art exposition in China later this year, as well as at a number of other venues home and away.

Source: Seychelles Nation