
Cooperation Among African Defense Forces Vital to Shape Continent’s Future Defense Strategy: Ethiopia’s Minister

The cooperation between African defenses forces are vital to shaping of the future of Africa’s defense strategy, Ethiopia’s Minister of Defense Engineer Aisha Mohammed remarked.

The three-day Africa Defense Ministers’ Conference is currently underway in Addis Ababa, at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum under the theme “Africa: United in Peace, Strong in Security.”

African defense ministers, senior military officers, military attachés based in Addis Ababa, and researchers engaged in military affairs are attending the first African Defense Ministers Conference organized by Ethiopia on its own initiative.

The conference will delve into topics that aim to bolster continental security and enhance military cooperation among African nations by highlighting the importance of strengthening existing partnerships to combat terrorism and address global and regional security threats among other crucial security issues.

Speaking at the conference, Ethiopia’s Minister of Defense, Engineer Aisha Mohammed said Ethiopia is
honored to host this important forum where the guardians of Africa security come together to deepen our bonds of cooperation.

The Minister added that this is a testament to the unwavering commitment to peace, security and the shared vision of the stable Africa where our people can thrive.

“The presence of such esteemed leaders and dignitaries from across Africa signals not only the importance of this gathering, but also our collective resolve to safeguard the future of our continent,” Aisha said.

Moreover, she elaborated that this conference is not just a gathering, it is a demonstration of the collective will to stand firm in the face of diversity to overcome the threats that seek to destabilize us and to embarrass the opportunities that lie ahead.

“As we convene today, we are acutely aware of the many security challenges that confront our continent, from the threat of terrorism and insurgencies to the rise of organized crime and human trafficking, from the growing threat of cyber-attacks to the enduring
impact of political instability and economic hardship.”

Africa’s security environment has become more complex than ever before she said, adding ‘but in this complexity lies our opportunity to strengthen our cooperation, to share knowledge and to build the resilience of our nations.’

Therefore, Ethiopia’s Defense Minister underlined the cooperation between African defenses forces are vital to the shaping of the future of Africa’s defense strategy.

Head of Political Affairs /Counter Terrorism Focal Point in the African Union, Babatunde Abayomi Taiwo on his part said this conference is taking place at a pivotal moment in history, coinciding with a period of heightened significance for us collectively.

But your presence here today demonstrates how we can work collaboratively across Africa in contributing to peace and security for the global good, he noted.

The Head added that the deliberations of the next three days will provide an essential platform to strengthen our common response to an ever contested and
volatile world.

This has become more urgent, especially as these threats and challenges continue to impact on Africa’s ability to prosper, while undermining the African Union’s agenda 2063, he noted.

As the continent spear the African Union advocates for a threat led approach to ensure that African armed forces remain adaptable and maintain an agile onset.

This will involve a greater focus on technology, particularly the development of artificial intelligence defense ecosystem, something we proudly see emerging as a priority for Ethiopia, he added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency