
CLOGSAG striking members resume work in Kadjebi

Members of Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG) in the Kadjebi District of the Oti Region, have reported for work on Tuesday, July 16, following their recent strike action demanding a better salary structure, among others.

Their resumption of duty followed an agreement leadership of CLOGSAG reached with the government on Friday, July 12, 2024.

A visit by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) to the Kadjebi District Assembly premises, which acommodates Planning, Budget, Account, Department of Social Welfare, Physical Planning Departments, among others saw staff in the various offices busily working.

In an interview with Mr. Emmanuel Doe, District Chairman, CLOGSAG, Kadjebi, he told the GNA that the Government, represented by the Office of the Senior Presidential Advisor, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations and Fair Wages and Salary Commission on one hand, and the CLOGSAG, on the other hand, met on Friday, July 12, 2024 to trash out their issues.

He said durin
g the engagement, ‘the parties showed commitment towards the resolution of pertinent issues relating to the salary structure for the Staff of Civil Service and the Local Government Service’.

Mr. Doe said, ‘the Government acknowledged and committed itself to the Memorandum of Understanding signed on the 19th of January 2022 and gave an assurance that the process for finalization of the Salary structure would be completed by 31st October 2024 and implemented with effect from 1st January 2025.’

The CLOGSAG Chairman, said, ‘on the basis of the above, CLOGSAG agreed to call off the strike with immediate effect.’

He appealed to members to work hard as they had been out of the Office since July 3.

CLOGSAG National Headquarters per letter dated July 2, 2024, with caption ‘Declaration of nationwide strike’ and signed by Mr. Isaac Bampoe Addo, Executive Secretary declared a nationwide strike effective Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

They cited the government’s inability to implement their new salary structure which the g
overnment agreed to implement in 2023.

Source: Ghana News Agency