
Clive Roucou appointed PS for Family department

President Wavel Ramkalawan has appointed Clive Roucou as the new principal secretary (PS) in the Family department.

Mr Roucou has a Bachelor Degree in Nursing with Advanced Practice in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. He brings to the ministry experiences gained over 20 years in the nursing field and in community engagement where he has served on various committees. He has experience in training young health professionals, notably nurses, and has worked as a lecturer with the National Institute of Health and Social Studies.

Mr Roucou served in the Seychelles’ National Assembly from September 2016 to May 2021.

His background in health and in legislation will guide him in his work in the Family department to develop the right policies, programmes and service for improving the quality of life of families, especially those with special needs.

The appointment of Mr Roucou took effect yesterday, June 15.

Source: National Information Services Agency