
Children’s Day celebrated with much enthusiasm around Seychelles

After being under restrictions for two years, children in all schools in Seychelles were allowed to celebrate Children’s Day yesterday.

We could not visit all the schools but the ambiance was just electric at all the schools we were able to visit.

Students and teachers were dancing to the tunes of our local artists. Parents contributed snacks, cakes, soft drinks and other food items, and some kids were even lucky to receive a gift.

Origin of Children’s Day

The origin of this holiday goes back to 1925 when representatives from different countries met in Geneva, Switzerland to convene the first ‘World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children’.

After the conference, some governments around the world designated the day as Children’s Day to highlight children’s issues. There was no specific date recommended, so countries used whatever date was most relevant to their culture.

The date of June 1 is used by many ex-Soviet countries as ‘The International Day for Protection of Children’ was established on June 1, 1950 following the Women’s International Democratic Federation’s congress in Moscow that took place in 1949.

With the creation of World Children’s Day, United Nations (UN) member states recognised children, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion and nation or social origin, the right to affection, love, understanding, adequate food, medical care, free education, protection against all forms of exploitation and growing in a climate of universal peace and brotherhood.

Many countries have established a Children’s Day but this is commonly not observed as a public holiday. For instance, some countries observe Children’s Day on November 20 as Universal Children’s Day. This day was established by the United Nations in 1954 and aims to promote the welfare of children around the world.

International School Seychelles

In commemoration of Children’s Day yesterday, on Saturday May 28, 2022 a group of volunteers from the International School Seychelles (ISS) Duke of Edinburgh students spent the day at the President’s village with the children. A few workshops were organised while some maintenance and refurbishment work were done.

They also collected R10,000 which was donated to the School for the Exceptional Child.

Yesterday, June 1, Elodie Vallantine, principal and head of secondary of ISS, noted that each class had a party and the focus was on each child.

“In the morning, we had lessons but after lunch it was party time. During the pandemic we could not organise such events and all the students had so much fun.”

Interhearts Montessori pre-primary school

The Interhearts Montessori pre-primary school celebrated Children’s Day yesterday with lots of joy.

School manager Nadine André shared that they started the day with some reflections and songs and then it was a big party with contributions from parents and the school.

Bel Eau primary school where the dance did not stop!

As soon as we stepped inside Bel Eau primary school compound, we could hear the vibes!

Each class had their own party with their teachers. Head teacher Jane Laurette said the day started with a special assembly where they welcomed First Lady Linda Ramkalawan, Minister for Youth, Sports and Family Marie-Celine Zialor, Chinese Ambassador Guo Wei and the National Council for Children (NCC) team.

NCC used the occasion to launch the theme of the year which is ‘Les zanfan reste zanfan’ and ‘Mon fanmir, mon leker’. The assembly was around this theme and after that all classes had their party.

Mont Fleuri secondary school

When we arrived at the Mont Fleuri secondary school, there was a musical show by the students themselves and some famous local artists.

We could not even talk to anyone as they were all having so much fun and dancing in the garden. It was definitely a show they were waiting for and celebrated their day as it should be.

Source: Seychelles Nation