
Children’s Christmas cookie-decorating event

To help get your little ones into the holiday spirit this year, a fun Christmas-themed cookie-decorating event will be hosted for children next month at Élixir Café in Victoria.

The children will be able to decorate beautiful, festive and classic homemade cookies like gingerbread and sugar cookies. Parents are also welcome to take part by helping their kids to decorate the cookies, and the children will be able to take their goodies home to enjoy.

The cookie-decorating station will have a selection of colours using royal icing and sprinkles / toppings for the children to choose from.

There will also be hot chocolate, fresh juices and hot snacks for refreshments, all of which will be included in the package.

The event, which is targeting families, will be held between 10am and 12 noon on Saturday December 11 and 18 at the café. Children of all ages are welcome and children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent.

Élixir is a café located at Kaz Zanana, George Camille Gallery in Victoria. The café opened its doors on July 19, 2021 and is run and managed by two young entrepreneurs, Ashlee Waye-Hive and Emily Ah-Shung.

The café, loved by tourists and locals alike, serves a variety of cakes, coffees, sandwiches and smoothies and is very well known for their famous ‘Bubble Waffle’ and ‘Crazy Ice Coffees’.

A few of the other treats offered by Élixir Café

Speaking about their upcoming Christmas cookie-decorating event, Ashlee and Emily told Seychelles NATION that the main idea behind this event is to bring a little Christmas joy to the children and their families during the pandemic. They add that it will also give the children an opportunity to be creative.

“It was while we were decorating sugar cookies for a cake that we thought how fun it would be to have the kids do this, so we started planning out the activity. We have also been wanting to host an activity at the café for a while and thought that this would be a great opportunity.

“We hope that it will bring joy to the families and get them in the spirit of Christmas. Élixir Café is a place where we can let our imaginations run wild when creating new delicious goodies, so we want to encourage this in the youth of today, believing that anything is possible!”

Source: Seychelles Nation