
Chat with new Seychellois author Marsha Parcou

‘Revealing this vulnerability has been a scary yet ultimately healing and satisfying process’

Marsha Parcou, a well-known businesswoman, has been a life coach for many and now she has ventured into becoming the author of ‘Becoming a Fanm Fasinasyon – My Journey’.

The launch of the book will be on Saturday August 13 and Seychelles NATION had a chat with the new author to know more about her new venture.

Seychelles NATION: After being a coach for many, now you are launching your book. Please tell us where did this inspiration come from?

Marsha Parcou: Although I love writing and journaling, I never thought about writing and publishing my own book. The inspiration came from a dear client and friend of mine. She planted that seed…. Still feels like it’s a dream…

Seychelles NATION: Why have you decided to tell your story, recounting your experiences, and sharing the wisdom?

Marsha Parcou: I have spent my life being placed in many boxes, the first of which was the box of being a good Seychellois, Catholic girl, growing up in the 80s in Seychelles.

The next box of bullies placed me inside when they continuously called me ‘Fatso’ all through primary school because I was overweight. As a result, I had low self-esteem and low self-confidence.

Growing up in a society where everyone knows everyone, brings a fair bit of social judgement along with it. This means that to some extent you tend to live your life to please others, following the crowd and doing the same things as your peers. If not, you will be considered an outcast as society.

Because of all this I was imprisoned in those boxes, namely, culture box, overweight box, validation box and dependency box.

Those boxes that we are put in are hard to escape from, especially if we are placed in them during our formative years. Sometimes, the boxes we are put in are boxes we identify with, and sometimes we choose to stay because we don’t know how to step out of these boxes. And one thing that is consistent when it comes to boxes, is that they are all limiting our truest nature.

As an adult I’ve not only had to find a way to escape the boxes, but I’ve had to understand the fundamental mechanics of this process to be able to escape those boxes and become my true, authentic self.

I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, both the best and worst. Each one of us creates and gives meaning to our experiences regardless of what life throws at us.

Seychelles NATION: What was your journey while writing your book?

Marsha Parcou: I have shared more of myself here than I have ever done before. Revealing this vulnerability has been a scary yet ultimately healing and satisfying process. Becoming a Fanm Fasinasyon has been handcrafted for you. I have given you the best I have in order to help you to become the best you can be.

Seychelles NATION: Give us a glimpse of the book.

Marsha Parcou: As an ordinary woman wearing different hats be it as a wife, a daughter, a friend, businesswoman, or a coach and had walked different paths of life, I want to use my own experiences and lessons learnt to become an inspiration to others.

For example: What led me to become overweight in my teens? How did it start? The difference between a career woman and a business woman (the roles are not the same). My struggle with Ménière’s Disease and vertigo and how I cope with it

My aim is to help other women who has experienced similar challenges and don’t know what to do, to learn from my experiences and lessons and help them turn their challenges into victories. Also, remind them regardless of what happened in the past, the hurt, the loss, the betrayal, the disappointment, the critics… the past does not equal the future nor does it define you.

Yes, it is possible to step out of your own limited boxes and live the life you want. It’s not that simple I admit, but if you make a conscious decision that you want to change your life for the best and you believe that you are bigger and deserve more than those boxes, nothing is impossible…. The reality here is that you will always be put in a box, but, you don’t always have to stay in it!

Seychelles NATION: Marsha you have been coaching many people, tell us, in brief, some of your success stories.

Marsha Parcou: Good question Vidya! Honestly, I am extremely happy every time my client has a breakthrough. It’s a privilege to witness how they can overcome their own limited beliefs, fear or whatsoever challenges they may have had, limiting them to achieve their goals and live the life they desire.

In others words I feel accomplished and fulfilled to see how coaching transform my client’s perception of themselves; shifting from uncertainty, lack of confidence into confident, into action, empowerment and fulfillment.

There is no greater feeling knowing that I have made a difference and impact someone’s life. Seeing their transformation is an absolute joy!

Seychelles NATION: What is the next step for you?

Marsha Parcou: My story has just begun, and the final chapter of my life has not yet been written. I am Famn Fasinasyon, and I just know the best is yet to come!

On the launch, the book ‘Becoming a Fanm Fasinasyon – My Journey’ will be sold at the special price of R299 at Chatterbox or else you will be able to find a copy at Antigone, Chanterelle book shops and Chatterbox.

People can purchase online copies via Amazon or on Fasinasyon website:

Source: Seychelles Nation