
Celebrating 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

The High Commission of India celebrated the 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at the Peace Park on Friday September 30, 2022.


This was the first Gandhi Jayanti celebration after the inauguration of statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the Peace Park on June 11, 2022 by former High Commissioner of India to Seychelles Gen. Dalbir Singh Suhag and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism Sylvestre Radegonde.


The event that began with a floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, saw a small presentation by Professor Dennis Hardy on the significance of Gandhi statue in Seychelles. Renowned Seychellois artist Sandra Esparon delivered a musical performance of famous Gujarati poem ‘Vaishnav Jan To’ for the audience.


Chargé d’affaires Vikram Grewal spoke about the presence of 3Ms in the Peace Park (Mancham, Mandela and Mahatma). He also spoke about the Ghandhian principles of peace and brotherhood and how Gandhi became the voice of India and its messenger of universal harmony around the world.





Source: Seychelles Nation