
Cancer Concern recognises founding members

The founding executive committee of the Cancer Concern Association (CCA) who started the association some 23 years ago, were on Friday treated to a high-tea at the Marie-Antoinette Restaurant.


The new executive committee, comprising chairperson Dinaz Van der Lans, vice- chairperson Mirose Laurencine, secretary Arlette Houareau, treasurer Meryl Clothilde, and members Maggie Bristol, Gina Laporte, Sasha Payet, Rosie Morel and Kadusamy Naidu, who were elected during the annual general meeting (AGM) on September 3, organised the meet as a means of conveying their gratitude to the founding members.


Among the founding members who were presented with a shield were Archbishop Emeritus French Chang-Him who was chairperson for 20 years, secretary Ian Charlette, treasurer Bernadette Furneau as well as members Judy Mondon, Josie Michaud Payet, Gylian Mein, Ogilvy Delcy and Rosanna Samson. Two other members were also recognised, although they were not present.


The association’s longest-serving members Sister Milcah Emilien and Molly Green also received a shield and a pink goodie-bag containing the newly launched monthly newsletter, a pink pin and keying, and a souvenir photo of the first committee in 1999.


Peggy Vidot was the second chairperson serving from 2020 to 2022.


“To all of you executive committee 1999, we thank you for your invaluable service to the association and to the society. We count on your support to guide and assist us in this noble task,” Ms Van der Lans stated.


In addition to recognising the founding members, the association donated a R15,000 cheque towards the Oncology unit, to assist the unit with acquiring new scrubs, as was promised by the association since 2021.


In relation to the concerns shared by the patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, the donation also included a pair of grip socks to be gifted to the patients, as well as disposable booties, since they are required to remove their shoes when undergoing treatment.


Moreover, the CCA have also sourced a supplier for breast prosthetics for cancer patients.


Within just six weeks since the AGM, the new committee have put together a charged calendar of activities, including launching the first newsletter, revamping the association’s social media platforms and the creation of a new Instagram account.


Over the course of last week, they also featured as the main guests for two radio interviews with the aim of raising awareness about cancer, while also promoting the work of the association. It also, on Tuesday last week, launched the women’s breast cancer networking and support group, with nine ladies, some of whom are breast cancer survivors.


This week, they will be holding awareness sessions at various workplaces on Mahé, as well as at the Grand Anse Praslin school.


In a bid to get the whole country involved, it has this year launched a special challenge targeting staff across all workplaces in Seychelles, challenging them to go pink on Thursday October 20.


The team will end the month with a charity event at Eden Plaza on October 29.


The international theme is ‘Together we can’ while the motto of the association is ‘You never have to walk alone’.




Source: Seychelles Nation