
Cable and Wireless Foundation give a helping hand to SIF, LAMP

The Seychelles Island Foundation (SIF) and Light Amidst My Path (LAMP), a non-profit organisation, recently benefitted from a boost to their individual causes through donations made by the Cable & Wireless Foundation.

The telecom’s foundation donated the sums of R40,000 to the SIF and R159,760.54 to LAMP in a ceremony held recently at the Exile Club.

It was the director for human resource and administration at Cable and Wireless, Thomas Dauban, who presented both cheques to the respective organisations.

Dr Frauke Fleischer-Dogley, chief executive of the SIF, explained that the R40,000 from CWS will be going towards the fund being raised for the annual Eco-school trip to Aldabra.

Up until the pandemic hit, the SIF had been sponsoring and facilitating the Aldabra trip each year for schools that have won the eco-school competitions for some 20 years. It hopes to resume these trips to Aldabra next year.

“We thank Cable and Wireless for their support in our work. SIF’s research station at Aldadra is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and only a handful of people have had the opportunity to visit Aldabra. This is why we launched an initiative whereby people could call SIF team members on Aldabra and ask questions about the atoll. Each question asked raised an amount that would go towards supporting the eco-school trip,” explained Dr Fleischer-Dogley.

“With Covid-19, we were not in a position to organise the 2020 trip but we hope that the next trip will be realised. SIF has been doing so for the last 20 years singlehandedly but right now we need the assistance of sponsors such as Cable,” she noted.

Meanwhile LAMP was represented by its project coordinator, Tessa Henderson, who also thanked CWS for its generous donation which will go towards its ant-bullying campaigns.

At present, LAMP’s anti-bullying campaigns are active at three secondary schools – Mont Fleuri, English River and Belonie.

“The work we started went on a temporary hiatus because of the pandemic but thanks to the funding from CWS, we will be able to resume our work. It is a project that not only looks at the victims of bullying but the bullies themselves as well as teachers and parents. We hope that parents and teachers will join us on the path we are resuming because we have sensed some hesitancy to help,” Ms Henderson stated.

Source: Seychelles Nation