
Cabinet considers Medium Term Expenditure Strategies 2022-2024 at extraordinary meeting

President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired an extraordinary meeting of the cabinet on Tuesday September 7, at which the Medium Term Expenditure Strategies (MTES) 2022–2024 were considered.

The MTES initiates the strategic phase of the budget process where the final budget ceilings can then be determined for the final preparation of the Programme Performance Based Budgeting (PPBB) statements by ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) based on an indicative ceiling provided by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade (MFEPT).

The meeting was followed by a discussion of the 2022 budget proposal for the Ministry of Education and its affiliated agencies.

Cabinet will hold a series of meetings with individual ministries and their affiliated departments and agencies to discuss the MTES with special focus on the year 2022.

Source: Seychelles Nation