
Building Consensus on Nat’l interest, Common Values Critical for Lasting peace: Minister of Peace

Minister of Peace Binalf Andualem emphasized that building a national consensus on national interests and common values is critical to sustain lasting peace and build a strong economy in Ethiopia.

A panel discussion organized by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Peace was held at the Capital Hotel under the theme: “National Values for National Consensus”.

The importance of protecting the national interest and common values of the country have been thoroughly discussed at the panel discussion for Ethiopia’s strong nation state building endeavors.

In his keynote address to the panel discussion, Binalf mentioned that Ethiopia is a country with tremendous diversities like linguistic, religious and cultural values as well as political ideologies, among others.

However, the minister said that Ethiopia has seen odd and unpleasant practices which have been widely observed and undermined the nation state building process.

“Although our diversities are the colors of our solidarity, in the long journey of building the Ethiopian state, problems have been encountered eroding the national values to the extent of as threatening the existence of the country.”

Binalf underscored that suchcontradictions which deviate from the values of Ethiopia have resulted in the proliferation of complex problems and endanger the existence of the country.

To this end, building a national consensus on national interests, common identity and common values are critical to sustain lasting peace and establish strong economy in Ethiopia, the minister urged.

Noting that a nation building endeavor is a process and not completed all at once, the minister said the problems are bound to become an obstacle in protecting the national interest of the country.

He added:”We need to create a consensus on important national issues in order to protect the values we have built and protect the sovereignty and interest of the country.”

Succeeding in building national consensus on the national interests, common values and identity of the nation will enable us to establish a strong country, he pointed out.

He also emphasized the role of religious leaders and elders to exploit our social assets and cultural values to the noble causes.

Ethiopian News Agency, Chief Executive Officer, Seife Derebe on his part stated that the our ability to create a national consensus on major national issues would have paramount importance to sustainable peace and development in the country.

As Ethiopia is endowed with many values and a manifestation of consistence, the CEO said that diversity should not be a cause of fear and doubt, but a cause for beauty and strength.

The CEO finally reiterated that the Ethiopian News Agency will continue to work on issues of building national consensus, framing all matters under the umbrella of the national interest of Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency